Host Pay Per Head Blog » Pay Per Head Advice » Bookie Wagering Tips: Is It Time For You To Find A New Pay Per Head Service?

Bookie Wagering Tips: Is It Time For You To Find A New Pay Per Head Service?

by admin on Thursday, October 18th, 2012

Moving to Another PPH ServiceThe pay per head industry is absolutely thriving in places like Cost Rica and it offers bookies some very inviting turnkey gaming solutions that can quickly turn their local bookmaking business into a full blown sportsbook, racebook & casino. But hooking up with an inferior per head service can quickly have devastating consequences to a bookie business as well!

Here are a few clear warning signs that the betting call center or wagering call center of the pay per head service that you have selected to partner up with is sub-par at best!

  • If the calendar date changes quicker than the betting lines do, odds are that you’re not getting the type of hands on pay per head line risk management that you deserve!
  • If a game or event has already started and your bettors can still place wagers on them, chance are that you’re not getting the type of pay per head service that you deserve!
  • If one your players calls to bet the Yankees game and the clerk says “sir did you mean the Jankees” you might need to re-evaluate you position and start looking for a new betting service!
  • If you ask about a “round robin” and the wagering clerk starts telling you about other exotic species of birds that reside in Costa Rica you need to look for a new pay per head service.
  • If the horse is already in the barn and the line is still up on that particular horse race, chances are you’re not getting the type of hands on pay per head service line service that you deserve!
  • If you call your pay per head service and ask their claims department to review a play and they can’t produce the recording of the phone call, odds are you’re pay per head service is cutting corners and you deserve better!
  • If your players are constantly calling you about waiting on their NFL football games to be graded so that can bet the 4 o’clock games chances are that you’re pay per head services wager call center is grossly understaffed and you deserve better!
  • If your pay per head services posts that their wagering call center is open 24/7/365 and you can’t reach them, chances you’re not getting the type of hands on pay per head service or customer support that you deserve!
  • When you make a call to your per head service and the only one who speaks plain English is you chances are that you’re not getting the bookie service that you deserve!
  • If your pay per head services web site or phone service goes down more times a day than the sun does in a day, chances are your service has cut some serious corner infrastructure wise and you will never get the type of service that you deserve!
  • If you or your players constantly get put on hold at crunch time or even worse get shut out altogether from betting on a game your service is understaffed and you need to start looking for a better pay per head service!
  • If you pay per head service is constantly re-grading games until they finally get the score correct, chances are that you’re not getting the type of hands on pay per head service that you deserve!
  • If you call the wagering call center and ask “what do I have available” and the clerk tells you that she is already spoken for chances are you are at the wrong per head service.
  • If your pay per head service is constantly putting up either bad lines, odds win or incorrect juice you not dealing with the type of professionals that you were led to believe.

If any of these types of issues listed above is happening to you and your bettors you need to act fast and find a pay per head that provides bookies like yourself a first class pay per head write shop!

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