Host Pay Per Head Blog » Bookie Software & Bookie Tips & Pay Per Head Advice » How Can Help You Upgrade Your Bookie Business

How Can Help You Upgrade Your Bookie Business

by admin on Saturday, August 11th, 2018

real-time reporting dataIf you are determined to take your bookie business up a notch, is the right choice for you as we offer the most advanced sportsbook software that’s available on the market and have a specialized staff will help you migrate your services quickly, simply and without hassles.

The unparalleled customer service and cutting-edge data processing of offer you the tools you need to become a successful bookie. If you want to upgrade your bookie services call us now and our staff will guide you step-by-step through the process to have everything set in just a few hours.

We offer custom-designed user interface according to your specifications and needs, 24/7 customer service through the internet or phone, a state-of-the-art call center and all-English customer service agents that will represent your business with care and in a professional manner.

Our digital wager recording options will help you maintain quality control. Our fully-redundant backup strategy includes technical support 24 hours a day all 365 days of the year, automatic data backup, continuous online backup protection, multiple firewall security, and top-of-the-line technology hardware. All of it working together around the year to avoid online Denial Of Service (DOS) attacks.

With our advanced sportsbook software, you can track the market and react accordingly by moving lines while providing every possible betting option you can ever think of.

More access means more business for you; that’s why our cutting-edge data processing and sportsbook management software allows you to provide your clients with game lines, in-game wagering and live betting in any kind of device.

If you want to offer your clients the excitement of a Vegas-style casino our virtual casinos will offer them a true casino experience by simply using their computer, smartphone or tablet.

If you want to make extra money all around the year and especially while the football season is not in play you should offer horse wagering services. With our horse racing software, you can allow your clients to bet on practically any major thoroughbred track in the U.S with all the betting options that they can expect.

Our software allows you to have all the control and authority that you need and deserve as you can manage individual client profiles, suspend accounts if necessary, add temporary credit, and adjust individual limits.

Don’t hesitate and contact now to set up your pay per head business and start taking action today!








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