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Online Bookmakers: Costa Rican PPH’s VS the Rest of the World

by admin on Friday, November 23rd, 2012

Costa Rica Pay Per HeadOnline pph bookmaking services have made giant strides in the past few years thanks to advancements in bookie software and the further development of mobile betting apps for electronic devices such as SmartPhones and IPads.

Sports bookies across the United States are turning to price per head services to help them keep on top of their action by providing them with real time reporting, and overall details that are necessary to keep their local bookmaking business running smoothly and efficiently.

The Costa Rican based PPH services also provide online bookies with a full on Sports Book, Casino and Race Book.  Online bookies can provide their players which limitless wagering action that is accessible at anytime of the day or night.  A good pay per head service can actually change a local bookies overall day to day grind.  However, sports bookies must due their due diligence when choosing the correct Costa Rican PPH service. For Online bookies it is important to select a Costa Rican PPH service that is operating from a safe and secure environment.   In some other off shore countries, wagering on sports is merely tolerated were as in others, such as Costa Rica, wagering on sports is actually legal and licensed, and even encouraged!

Costa Rica is a small Central American country of just under 20,000 square miles bordered on the north by Nicaragua and on the south by Panama.  The population stands around 4.3 million citizens.  Costa Rica also is also proud to boast a 94% literacy rate which is the highest in Central America.  This high standard of education is important to the Costa Rican pph bookmaking industry because it provides a large pool of educated, English speaking clerks to man the phones within these pay per head call centers.  These qualified staff members are one of the principal reasons that makes offshore pay per head services a bookies best bet!

Most Costa Rican PPH service centers are available 24/7/365. Normally the level of service online bookies receive when working with these PPH companies based in Costa Rica will be generally more agreeable and easier to work with than those of most other countries in the region. This is in part due to the up to date employee training and overall technology in Costa Rica.  As well as the large amount of bookies that have already taken their bookmaking businesses to Costa Rica which makes Costa Rican PPH services part of a thriving community.

Costa Rican pay per head services have helped educate a vast part of the population which has also drawn industry giants such as HP and Intel to open large facilities in the central valley outside of San Jose.  The benefit to companies such as sports books and price per head services are apparent in the high level of competence seen in the available local labor pool.

Costa Rica pph services will continue to grow and for those looking to take the leap to Costa Rica it is a beautiful and friendly country and you will always be welcomed to come down! This will give you a good reason to check out pph bookie services first hand and who knows you just might have one of the greatest vacations of your life as well!

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