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How Bookies Adjust to Using Cost per Head Services

by admin on Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

Bookies Using Cost Per HeadIf you’re running a local bookie sportsbook and have been taking care of everything on your own without any outside help, there has never been a better time to make the switch to a cost per head agency. Online bookmaking is very, very different from traditional bookmaking and in a good way. Many people worry that they will lose control of their businesses if they make the switch to cost per head services. Others just don’t think things will be the same and that they won’t enjoy their work as much or make as much money. This is not the case at all. In fact, almost all bookies who switch to the new way of doing things will see an increase in profits, usually right away. Furthermore, they will have much more free time, time that they can spend having fun and enjoying life or time that they can spend attracting new clients and building their businesses.

As for worries about losing control, that couldn’t be further from the truth! When you sign up with a good cost per head agency, you will be given tools that actually give you more control over your business. Thanks to the cost per head software, you’ll have access to detailed reports on every single bet your clients place. You’ll see who placed which bets, the amounts of the bets, and even when they were placed. The reports can be broken down and viewed in many different ways, allowing you to make important decisions about which players should stay and which ones needs to go. Not only does this help to increase earnings, but it also makes you the true boss of your business.

One of the things that bookies rave about the most when they start using a cost per head agency is mobile betting. Yes, the more modern, up to date services make it possible for clients to place bets from any mobile device. Since betting is more convenient for them, they do it more often, and thus you earn more! Many bookies also love being able to offer horseracing betting options to their clients; there’s a lot of money in this, and it’s made so simple with the right service.

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