Host Pay Per Head Blog » Bookie Tips » Becoming A Rookie Bookie

Becoming A Rookie Bookie

by admin on Saturday, August 31st, 2013

Proud BookieIf you are seriously considering becoming a bookmaker, on any level, your first step will be to do your homework and find out just exactly what it is that you are letting yourself in for.  Bookmaking can be a profitable pastime… however, it can also be a pain in the behind if you do not do it correctly.

If available, talk to someone who is already doing it successfully and ask them how they do it. Like any other trade, there are fundamentals that must be paid attention to if you want to make yourself into a good bookmaker.

Being a sports action bookie can be an exciting way to make money if done properly. Whether you are into it full time as a professional bookie or simply trying to augment your regular income and enjoy the action with your buddies at the same time, it can be a lot of fun… if you stay on top of it.

Being a bookie is a social occupation. You will have to get out and meet people if you want them to wager with you. That being said, being a bookie is also a practice that requires a certain amount of discretion in all that you do pertaining to wagering.

So here we have the basic irony of bookmaking. You must get out and meet your players in order to make your collections and payouts…but you must also keep in mind that what you are doing is frowned on by some folks out there and there exists the possibility of trouble if you are not careful.

Keeping a low profile is how most bookies put it… flying under the radar is another. The prudent bookie will always keep his or her exposure level in mind.

Of course one of the foremost requirements to being a bookie on any level is trust between you and your players. They must not be left wondering if and when they will be paid out when they win. Break that trust and even your best players will be looking around for other wagering options.

So, today’s bookie must walk that fine line between being out there socially to meet his players and keeping that low profile which will keep you out of trouble.

Seriously look into taking advantage of the services offered by companies known in the industry as price per head services. No other move that you can make will do more toward making you successful and happy in the bookie business.

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