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The Importance of Digital Wager Recording

by admin on Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Digital Wager RecordingMost of the very good and up to date pay per player services keep very close track of all of the wagers that are made by each individual player. They do this automatically as part of their normal services and in most cases you can reliably track wagers. This method of watching and recording what players are doing is known as digital wager recording. Through this process every single thing that a player does while on the site is recorded so that bookies can track their players activities, balances and winnings simply by bringing up one easy report.

Using digital wager recording is important for a number of different reasons. First of all, the player who made the wager can never dispute that he or she did so. This often happens when a player regrets a bet and tries to talk his or her way out of it. Now bookies can easily show these shot takers the player reports they have on file and can put a kibosh on the less than honest gambling. If the wager was placed over the phone it’s simply a matter of listening to the read back which is stored on file. Plus, using the same reports, bookies can figure out which players are trying to pick off lines and stop them in their tracks.

In fact, these reports offered by pay per player agencies are some of the very best business management tools there are.  All a bookie has to do is look through the reports and then use the information they find to make informed choices about which players stay and which ones need to be shut down. This helps to put bookies right where they belong—in complete and total control of their businesses—and it helps to keep things running smoothly and the profits pouring in. Of course, bookies will need to have some thick skin and no qualms about ditching players who aren’t working out but they have to realize that they are better off without them.

Best of all, the bookies who take advantage of these services will have all of the information on player bets that they could ever need, safely stored on private and secured data bases. However, this “storage” will be virtually on the server of the PPH agency to be exact, so there is no need to worry about it taking up a lot of memory on your own PC. Pay per player services are continually updating their services to keep pace with today’s digital world.


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